I have tested it to work with Ubuntu 12.0 and Nomium's DHCPerf 1.0.
- Download the Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server ES3 (x86) version of DHCPPerf from here: http://www.nominum.com/support/measurement-tools/
- We need the Alien tool to convert the download RPM format file to debian package to be installed in Ubuntu.
- Download Alien tool by running:
$sudo apt-get install alien
- Convert the downloaded RPM file to Debian package format through Alien using the following command
$sudo alien -k DHCPPerf1.0.1.0.rpm
- The Converted Debian package would be placed in the same folder. Install it using the following command:
$sudo dpkg -i DHCPPerf1.0.1.0.deb
- The DHCPerf, by default, gets installed into /usr/local/nom/...
- To Run, navigate into the bin folder under nom and run the DHCPerf command:
./dhcperf --help
to see the usage of the command.
Run WireShark and set the filter to bootp to see the DHCP packets on the wire.